

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

On fashion, beauty, and anything in between

And I woke up this morning with my head reeling off with a lot of wonderful things to write about – a sure sign that I am finally getting back to the cyber world after a long and tedious hibernation.  I have suddenly felt a sudden vigor to be back on my tracks with a surprising urge towards productivity that had been dormant for these past few days.  Yes I am back to blogging about my favorite topics: fashion, beauty, and anything in between.

We are all indeed blessed with the potential to be amazing.  I used to believe that success only comes for those who labor and I was dubious about the fact that victories can happen to be painless.  Yes you can find success on fashion, beauty, and anything in between if you believe in yourself, and that doesn’t have to hurt.  Okay, I acknowledge that I’m sounding a bit too eccentric.  But do you know that the promise of beauty or the sense of fashion fuels a desire to appreciate human nature even better?  With that conscious state of mind, anything from a simple mix and match to power dressing can bring out the success in you.

There will be continuous ramblings on fashion adventure and misadventures as well as beauty experiments and successes. The many great things about being a woman are a nook on its own and it is great to be one.   With the many choices and hurdles that we face, decisions toughen us for the long haul ahead.  The feeling of contentment doesn’t have to be complicated.  Simple thoughts and simple things, they can totally be amazing when coupled with the right mix of inspiration.

And this is why, something as trivial as a thought of a blog, matters.  It can transform into a myriad of other thoughts altogether – like inspirations on what to wear the next day, keeping up with the latest fashion trend, finding options to look even more beautiful and feeling good about it.  Thoughts on fashion and beauty is endless… the journey continues… and it would be fun if you join me in this adventure.

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